We are ThermoSwap, innovators in the climate-tech industry, providing highly efficient solid-state heat exchangers. Discover the power of our revolutionary solid-state heat exchangers for your climate control needs.

Our revolutionary solid-state heat exchangers have several advantages:

•⁠  ⁠High efficiency: Our solid-state heat exchangers are highly efficient, especially compared to traditional solid-state heat exchangers and compressor-based systems. 

•⁠  ⁠High-temperature operation: Our solid-state heat exchangers can operate at high temperatures and with high temperature differences (high “delta T’s”).

•⁠  ⁠Long lifetime: Our solid-state heat exchangers are highly reliable, have limited moving parts, and require minimal maintenance.

Highly efficient solid-state heat exchangers.

Our revolutionary solid-state heat exchangers are made up of thermoelectric materials that generate a temperature difference when an electric current is passed through them. The Peltier effect is the underlying principle behind the operation of our devices. They are highly efficient, solid-state, silent, and can be used in a variety of applications, including cooling and heating systems, refrigeration, and power generation.

For more information, contact us

We are more than willing to share more insights on the latest developments in our product development. Feel free to reach out to us.